Thursday, May 20, 2010

AIBOC CIRCULAR NO:70 DT.20.05.2010

We reproduce herewith the AIBOC circular no:70 dt.20.05.2010 for our readers:

CIRCULAR NO: 70 dt. 20TH MAY, 2010



The First ever “Conclave” of General Secretaries of All India Bank Officers’ Confederation was held at Vagamon, Idukki Dist, Kerala, on 15th and 16th May 2010, to review the path traversed by the Confederation, ever since it was founded on 6th October, 1985 and its meaningful existence in the service of the membership, society and the country as a whole. The participants appreciated the vision of the Founders of the Confederation, its ideology and resolutions adopted in the foundation conference, its efforts in striving hard to improve the service conditions of its membership in public, private, co-operative and RRB Sectors spread across the country and also the proactive role played, in providing feed back to the government in evaluating policies on economic and financial sector. AIBOC has succeeded in its prime agenda of protecting pro-socialistic, socio-economic policies of Government and in opposing the so called policy of liberalization, privatization and globalisation, in the interest of the common man. Our policy has saved the Indian Financial Sector from the ill effects of the global financial crisis. To-day, we look back and feel proud that our resistance to the new economic policies and support to the control system of RBI and the inherent strength of Public Sector Banks has in fact saved our economy. We feel proud to be Members of the only supervisory cadre organisation in the world, with 2.5 lac membership, at the service of the under privileged and the down trodden. The “Conclave” after due deliberations has reaffirmed its faith in the policy declaration of the Confederation and recalled its 25 years of relentless journey, with ups and downs, which has only enabled the Confederation to move forward and to grow from strength to strength. The Confederation has become a household name as an umbrella organisation protecting the interest of its members, across the country. The Confederation is celebrating its SILVER JUBILEE during the current year. In fitness of things, the participants involved themselves whole heartedly in reviewing the 25 years of selfless service and resolved to proceed with the same zeal and enthusiasm and continue to serve the mother land. After two days of brain storming sessions, the following declarations were adopted at the Vagamon Conclave.

1. To reaffirm our faith on the Policy Resolutions, Ideology and Declarations of the Confederation adopted in the Foundation Conference.

2. To continue as an Independent Trade Union for supervising staff in Banking Industry, without being affiliated to any political party or any Central Trade Union, but to seek their support as and when required.

3. To, not to seek any affiliation with foreign Trade Unions but to maintain co-ordination with global unions in order to oppose the LPG policies of Governments across the world.

4. To be led by the Internal Leadership.

5. To strive hard to strengthen the compensation system for officers so as to take care of the risk, responsibility and accountability that they shoulder. To resist the new concept of “cost to the company” being imposed in the banking industry.

6. To improve upon the working conditions of officers for enhancement of Quality of Life.

7. To maintain good relationship with other Industry Level Unions, UFBU, Central and other Trade Unions.

8. To initiate and organize Professional Workers in financial sector, Public Sector and also to organise workers in unorganised sector.

9. To be proactive in providing feedback on the economic and industrial policies to the Governments, Public and to organise discussions, seminars on the same issues.

10. To demand with IBA/Govt. for a structured Bilateral Negotiating Forum with AIBOC, so that issues other than wage revision can be discussed at periodical intervals.

11. To demand 5 days week and regulated working hours for officers in the Banking Industry.

12. To demand with the Government of India not to tinker with the policy of nomination of Officer Directors on Bank Boards and to seek legal intervention wherever Govt. is violating the policy.

13. To understand better, the concept of Participative Management and to update our skills to improve quality of participation at Board level discussions. To represent the views of the organisation with true spirit as its nominee on the Board.

14. To work for mobilisation and consolidation of our membership in all the 82 RRBs in the country.

15. To demand for parity of wages to RRB Officers and for the improvement of their Superannuation benefits.

16. To work for establishment, mobilisation and consolidation of AIBOC in co-operative sector.

17. To encourage and support the Affiliates to improve service conditions of their members.

18. To urge upon the Management to review disciplinary rules and procedure and to take out officers from the jurisdiction of CVC, CBI, Police etc. so as to encourage them to function without fear or favour.

19. To increase liason with Govt. departments and to pursue implementation of AIBOC policies and programmes.

20. To bridge the gap between perception level of the leadership and the membership, on vital issues, through continuous interaction with grassroot level membership.

21. To gain recognition from the management, not only through the check off system, but also by establishing credible relationship with them.

22. To play a watchdog role effectively, in the framing of policies and implementation of programmes by the Bank Managements.

23. To move towards consolidation of membership under the banner of the Confederation and to achieve “One Union: One Industry Policy” that is “to have AIBOC as the only Supervisory Staff Organisation in the Banking Industry in India”.

24. To initiate appropriate steps to face the challenges before the working class in the country in general and officers’ organisations in particular.

25. To establish AIBOC units wherever we do not have a presence and to achieve 100% membership in other Affiliates. Sectoral Federations/Affiliates should draw a time bound action plan for the same.

26. To make inroads and to achieve total membership in the New Generation Private Sector Banks.

27. To challenge deunionisation efforts from different quarters boldly and to open our membership to all grades/scales of officers’ community in the Banks.

28. To further strengthen representative forums at all levels and to retain our prime position as sole bargaining agent of Bank Officers and to remain as a force to reckon with.

29. To further strengthen the democratic functioning of the organisation and to deal transparently with the management and membership.

30. To resolve internal differences within the organisational forums.

31. To encourage feedback and constructive criticism through free and frank discussions at structured forums to improve the functioning.

32. To re-structure the Confederation so as to provide equal opportunities for all sectors and wings.

33. To discuss and finalise the ways and means to strengthen state/dist./town committees. Affiliates may be asked to assist and guide the functioning of the state units in states where they have a major presence.

34. To provide financial support to the State Units by Central Office, for effective functioning.

35. To provide organisational support to the Affiliates to face attacks from Management/Government.

36. To provide wider participation to Women officers in organisational forums as provided in the bye-laws of AIBOC Women’s Wing, in the Affiliates and Confederation level and to constitute their Central Committee in full.

37. To envisage and suitably modify our approach to gain the confidence of recently recruited youngsters. The efforts of the Affiliate/Confederation in improvements of their service conditions be apprised to them.

38. To further strengthen the Affiliates which determine the strength of the Confederation through interaction, guidance, organisational activities, providing organisational and logistical support whenever required.

39. To organise Training Programmes for new recruits, Cadre Development and leadership developments programmes for second line leadership to facilitate smooth succession plan.

40. To interact with the Affiliates/Members to have the benefit of direct feed back on working conditions of officers at branches/base levels and to make continuous efforts to enhance the trust level between Confederation/Affiliates/Membership.

41. To update Banking Knowledge and Skills on a continuous basis at all levels of leadership/membership.

42. To organise Cadre Development Programmes, Inter active sessions amongst the leadership, Study circles to update the Banking knowledge, National, International Economic Scenario at Affiliate and Confederation levels.

43. To organise Conclaves of Presidents and General Secretaries at periodical intervals based on the experience of Vagamon Conclave to discuss and deliberate on the crucial issues confronting the organisation and the Industry.

44. To encourage the Affiliates to organise the Conclave of Presidents and General Secretaries of their base units on similar lines.

2. Comrades, the participants have immense satisfaction of accomplishing the task entrusted to them to lay a road map for the future of the Confederation for the coming decade. The success of the ‘Conclave’ depends on the vigorous implementation of the declaration from all affiliates, Sectoral Federations, with due co-operation by all members.

3. We are confident that, the efforts will bear fruits in the days to come.


With greetings,


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