CIRCULAR NO:87 dt.8th JUNE, 2010
We have to-day addressed a communication to the Chairman, Indian Banks’ Association, Mumbai suggesting that a permanent structured forum should be established at industry level wherein both the representatives of the IBA and the Confederation can discuss issues that are of paramount importance for the industry as well as our fraternity. A copy of our communication is enclosed.
2. All our affiliates/members are requested to await further developments in the matter.
With greetings,
No./1452/176/10 08.06.2010
The Chairman,
The Indian Banks’ Association,
World Trade Centre,
MUMBAI – 400 020.
Dear Sir,
One of the issues that has been engaging the attention of the Confederation and often referred to in our discussions during the bipartite meetings is the need for a well structured Forum at the IBA level wherein the representatives of our Organization and also the Indian Banks’ Association can take up all other issues at periodical intervals and arrive at a solution that would strengthen the banking industry.
2. The present bilateral relationship that exists between the Confederation and the Indian Banks’ Association is largely connected with the Salary Revision and the related issues once in 5 years. There are several issues which need a solution at the industry level in the interest of maintaining cordial industrial relations in the banking industry on a continuous basis. The leadership of the Confederation during their interaction with the officials of the Indian Banks’ Association as well as the Chairman and other representatives of the IBA have been suggesting that the IBA should create a separate structure with the sole objective of bringing all those issues which are equally important for the Officers’ Fraternity as well as the Managements of the Banks and are common in nature which can be discussed in these forums and the bank level frictions can be avoided on several sensitive issues.
3. The IBA is bringing several issues under the heading “Management Issues” for discussion in the Bipartite Meetings meant to improve the compensation system in the Banking Industry. The half-hearted attempt to involve the Confederation on certain HRD and Personnel area initiatives by seeking their views by the various committees appointed by the IBA has also proved a futile exercise on a number of occasions. Any initiative in the area of HRD cannot be an exclusive domain of the Indian Banks’ Association since it is concerning those who are working in the Bank and it is meant for them. Hence without active participation by the Confederation representing the entire Bank Officers’ fraternity is bound to raise several issues when it comes to the question of implementation of those reports prepared by the Committees appointed by the IBA. The recent example is the Committee set up under Chairmanship of Dr.Khandelwal in regard to the HRD initiatives. They were more interested in doing an academic study and coming out with their theoretical report rather than involving the representatives of the Confederation which truly reflects the experience of the Officers’ fraternity in the banking industry. The Confederation being the sole representative of the Bank Officers’ fraternity representing more than 85% of the Officers working in the industry is capable of providing the full benefit of its expertise. It would not only benefit the Officers but the industry as well in the long run. Unless, a conscious attempt is made to have a regular structure for the purpose, our exercise interacting with the various committees appointed by IBA will be of a mere formality.
4. The issue of formation of a meaningful structure is not the new one. It is under discussions since almost a decade, and several issues other than the Salary Revision were discussed under separate meetings. One of the issues that was effectively tackled was the problems of the Officers who are brought under the Vigilance net on the basis of the earlier guidelines. It is due to the joint efforts of both the Confederation and the Indian Banks’ Association; certain nominal relief could be obtained from the Government, in introducing a separate chapter for banks in the vigilance manual. Earlier, the issues such as the categorization norms, the recruitment of the employees in the industry, the friction that developed due to the intervention of the RBI etc., in regard to outsourcing were discussed bilaterally.
5. The 9th Bipartite Settlement as well as the 2nd Option on Pension settlements have now been by and large concluded and being implemented. We have now sufficient time to concentrate on various other issues which are very sensitive and potential of creating industrial unrest in the banking industry if not addressed in time and appropriate solutions are not found to those issues. Hence, we strongly suggest that the IBA should consider our demand for an exclusive forum for discussions on all other common issues and arriving at a solution through open dialogue between the representatives of the Confederation and also the representatives of the Indian Banks’ Association. Hence, we request you to initiate creation of a separate structured forum at IBA level for continuous discussion on the common issues.
6. Please treat the matter as urgent.
Yours faithfully,
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