The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Tuesday said that it will soon undertake “incognito visits” to bank branches to check culture towards customer complaints in banks.
It will also undertake a review of how banks have implemented Charter of Customer Rights, the central bank said in a statement.
“Customers must have the right to access banking services and to the grievance redressal machinery — to banks' internal mechanism for grievance redressal as well as the Banking Ombudsman Scheme of the Reserve Bank — so that they are not excluded from the banking fold," the release quoting Governor Raghu-ram Rajan said.
Dr Rajan had inaugurated the Annual Confe-rence of Banking Omb-udsmen 2016 held in Thiruvananthapuram on February 15-16, 2016
He said websites, mobile phones, missed calls, physical places, and collection points could be some ways to aggregate customer complaints for redressal. The RBI had put out a Charter of Customer Rights in public domain and asked banks to implement it.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Tuesday said that it will soon undertake “incognito visits” to bank branches to check culture towards customer complaints in banks.
It will also undertake a review of how banks have implemented Charter of Customer Rights, the central bank said in a statement.
“Customers must have the right to access banking services and to the grievance redressal machinery — to banks' internal mechanism for grievance redressal as well as the Banking Ombudsman Scheme of the Reserve Bank — so that they are not excluded from the banking fold," the release quoting Governor Raghu-ram Rajan said.
Dr Rajan had inaugurated the Annual Confe-rence of Banking Omb-udsmen 2016 held in Thiruvananthapuram on February 15-16, 2016
He said websites, mobile phones, missed calls, physical places, and collection points could be some ways to aggregate customer complaints for redressal. The RBI had put out a Charter of Customer Rights in public domain and asked banks to implement it.
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